Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Private Eye Issue 9
By: Brian K. Vaughn and Marcos Martin

This is a highly compelling and entertaining comic with a future that has no internet access, which I found to be very fascinating. The beginning few pages of a young boy at his mothers funeral appear to me as a very sensitive, dramatic and peaceful way to start a comic. This very emotional scene drew me into the comic and encouraged me to continue to read on. The artwork is beautifully drawn, graphic and consistent with an excellent story. After reading this story I am very grateful for the technology we have, but also grateful for the idea of being a part of nature and the real reality we live in. With the world growing at such a fast rate the technology is growing more advanced to keep up. There are so many different ideas for the future and the technology we will have twenty to thirty years and beyond. I feel like most of the world is overusing technology and being trapped in this virtual reality that is not real. The reality we do know is starting to fade as virtual reality and technology continues to grow. Yeah!! We do still interact with nature, travel, go on adventures and experience new things. However, there are people creating virtual reality games where we do not need to go outside. I think this takes away from the true and real experience that is so fun. People in our world need to realize that technology should be used for important things rather than virtual reality and advanced technology. I do get this is how the world is moving, but we do not need to spend every second of the game playing video games, watching Netflix or texting. This is a comic I would recommend to people who enjoyed The Amazing Spiderman and Batgirl comics.

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