Monday, April 10, 2017

This One Summer - Mariko and Jillian Tamaki 

This One Summer

This is a story of two friends, Windy and Rose, who are visiting the beach together with their families. However, since they are maturing into teenagers they find themselves dealing with love. And Rose deals with her parents marriage falling to pieces.

This was a very enjoyable comic to read and the illustrations were beautifully drawn. The script had the content of two young teenage girls who are going through a phase and talking about boys. We were getting a perspective of two girls and what to talk about when they are at the beach. We got a feeling we were at the beach with the mention of the fresh air and swimming. When you are at the beach with your family your parents always tell you your story of how you were born and grew up. I enjoyed the reference Windy's mom used when she was telling her about how she grew up. The mother referenced a bean to Windy because they start off tiny and when they grow up they turn into a beautiful human being. That's what Windy is becoming and I just thought this was fascinating. The illustrations were very well composed and expressive, which makes the scenes come to life. They are very atmospheric and dreamlike, which give us the feeling that it's summer. And since there is no color in this it creates the quality of a dream, which is what the beach feels like. The characters are developed to a point where they are recognizable and stand out. They are stylized to the point where they could be cartoons on a kids tv show. I always like a cartoon characters eyes because, in my opinion they are the focal point of the character and define them. He simplifies the eyes, but they create an interesting character. I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys the summer, the life of teenagers and their struggles. I think this is a great interpretation of that.

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